aitH foreign







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1 One clasp Egypt (P. Hoy, Sergt. 8th Foot), extremely fine

2 One clasp Maida (Alex. Stewart, Corpl. 78th Foot), extremely


3 One clasp Yimiera (John Robinson, 9th Foot), well preserved

4 One clasp Sahagun and Benevente (William Piggott, 7th Light

Dragoons), very fine

5 One clasp Corunna (J. Williamson, Sergt. 76th Foot), very fine

6 One clasp Martinique (J. Harwood, 8th Foot), mint state

7 One clasp Talavera (Wm. Burman, 23rd Light Dragoons), well


8 One clasp Guadaloupe (Thos. Oliver, 25th Foot), extremely fine

9 One clasp Busaco (R. Harper, 5th Foot), very fine

10 One clasp Barrosa (Joseph McNealand, 87th Foot), very fine

11 One clasp Fuentes d’Onor (R. Barry, 88th Foot), very fine

12 One clasp- -Albuhera (Thos. Watts, 3rd Foot), very fine

13 One clasp Java (J. Andrews, 14th Foot), mint state

14 One clasp Ciudad Rodrigo (J. Green, 74th Foot), extremely fine

15 One clasp Badajoz (John Ellis, Gunr. Royal Arty.), very fine

16 One clasp Salamanca (Elisha Wood, 51st Foot), well preserved 16* One clasp Salamanca (Ensign J. Singleton, 61st Foot), engraved ,

extremely fine

First Day


17 One clasp Fort Detroit (Abrm. Bridge, R. Arty.) ( only 30 B. A. present ), extremely fine

IS One clasp Vittoria (J. Pendygrass, 2nd Battn. L. K. G. L.), en¬ graved , extremely fine

19 One clasp Pyrenees (J. Tredway, 95th Foot), fine

20 One clasp St. Sebastian (James Spears, 4th Foot), extremely fine

21 One clasp Chateauguay (Lazar Sasenowane, Warrior), extremely


22 One clasp Orthes (B. J. Flagg, 6th Foot), extremely fine

23 One clasp Nive (Thos. McMahon, 85th Foot), fine

24 One clasp Chrystler’s Farm (Thomas Blane, 89th Foot) ( only

7 9 given), very fine

25 One clasp Toulouse {name obliterated) (22nd Lt. Dragoons), poor,

and miniature 6 clasps (Lieut. Geo. L’Estrange, 31st Foot) 2

26 Three clasps Corunna, Orthes, Toulouse (Thos. Jones, 95th Foot),

extremely fine

27 Four clasps Barrosa, Vittoria, St. Sebastain, Nive (R. McGoveran,

47 th Foot), extremely fine

28 Seven clasps Vimiera, Corunna, Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees,

Orthes, Toulouse (William Scott, 5th Foot), very fine

29 Seven clasps Busaco, Albuhera, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes,

Toulouse (Sami. Wright, Lieut. 3rd Foot), mint state and: rare

*** Accompanying this lot is an interesting series of documents : (l.) An appointment as Ensign, 6 Mar. 1806 ; (2.) Another appointment as Captain, 17 Nov. 1824 ; (3.) A copy of

memorial from Sami. Wright to the Commander-in-Clnef, setting forth services and begging promotion to A company in any line regiment; (4.) A communication, signed R. Darling” and marked “Secret and Confidential,” to Captain Wright, 4 Nov. 1826, referring to his line of action regarding the landing of the French in New Holland ; (5.) A statement of prize money for the Peninsular, 14th Feb. 1817, shewing Lieut. Wright received £37 4s. 3 d. The medal has been verified by Lord Cheylesmore.

30 Thirteen clasps Roleia, Vimiera, Martinique, Talavera, Fuentes

d’Onor, Albuhera, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive (John Clarke, Royal H. Arty.), very fine

31 Fourteen clasps Martinique, Talavera, Busaco, Albuhera, Ciudad

Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, St. Sebas¬ tian, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, Toulouse (Richd. Harding, 34 th Foot), extremely fine

32 Officer’s small Gold Medal for Corunna, to Major Covell, 76th

Regt., with gold buckle, very fine


First Day


33 George Roberts, Gunner, Royal Foot Artillery, fine

34 John Thorp, 1st Regiment of Life Guards, well 'preserved

35 Richd. Richards, 3rd Batt. Grenad. Guards ( name engraved ), fine

36 Robert Weston, 1st Batt. 95th Reg. Foot, fine

37 Isaac Town, 1st Batt. 95th Reg. Foot ( contemporary engraving)

38 Thomas Vernon, Pte. 2nd or R. N. B. R. Dragoons ( engraved ), fine

39 Hanoverian, Husar Christian Pott, Hus. Regt., Herzog v. Cum¬

berland, extremely fine

40 Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Contingent, Officers, fine

41 Brunswick, Nassau and Netherlands Contingents 3

42 Prussia, Combatants and Non-Combatants ; King’s German

Legion, 1813, and Jubilee; Hesse-Cassel, Veterans; and Oldenburg 6

43 Brunswick 2d Line Batt., K. G. L., 1813, and Jubilee; Hesse-

Cassel, Oldenburg, Schwarzburg, and Brussels Guard 7

44 Frankfort Contingent, silver , fine and rare, and Austrian Order

of the Iron Crown, fine 2


45 Defence of Gibraltar, 1782, General Eliott’s to Hanoverian

Brigade, fine

46 For Services on the Island of Ceylon, 1795/6, bronze

47 Capture of Seringapatam, 1799, silver, original medal with sus¬

pender, extremely fine

48 Another, without suspender, in original case, mint state

49 Others in pewter and bronze, both original and fine 2

50 Egypt, 1801, gold, H. E. I. C., very fine

51 Egypt, 1801, silver, very fine

52 Egypt, 1801, Highland Society’s silver Medal to the Black Watch,


53 Nepaul, 1816, H. E. I. C.’s silver Sepoy’s, fine

54 Coorg, 1837, silver, very fine

55 1st Burmah, 1824-6, silver, Lion and elephant, fine

ARMY OF INDIA, 1799-1826.

56 One clasp Assye (P. Dougherty, 78th Foot), very fine

57 One clasp Battle of Deig (Ensign C. Gosling, 7th N. I.), very fine

58 One clasp Nepaul (John Buchanan, 8th Lt. Dragns.), very fine

59 One clasp Nagpore ( name erased), very fine


First Day


60 One clasp Maheidpoor (J. Sisson, H. Arty.), mint state

61 One clasp Ava (T. Connor, Eur. Regt.), extremely fine

62 One clasp Bhurtpoor (J. Rippingale, 1 lth Lt. Dragns.), extremely


63 Two clasps Argaum, Gawilghur (Gunner Wm. Cooper, Arty.),

very fine

64 Three clasps Laswarree, Capture of Deig, Nepaul (G. Wilkin,

Arty.), very fine

65 Ghuznee, 1839 (J. Bentum, 4th Lt. Ds. Queen’s Own), fine

66 Ghuznee, 1839 (John Griffis, Fourth Queen’s Own Light Dra¬

goons), fine

67 Ghuznee, 1839, original suspender (W. L. Vise, 16th Lt. Dra¬

goons), very fine

68 Ghuznee, 1839 (Private George Havill, 2nd Regt. Foot)

69 Ghuznee, 1839 (Wm. Abbott, 2nd or Queen’s Royal Regt.), worn

70 Ghuznee, 1839, original suspender (Thos. Burke, 13th Regt.), ex¬

tremely fine

71 Ghuznee, 1839 (Private Job Binding, 13th P. A. L. I.), fine

72 Ghuznee, 1839 (J. Brett, Lt. H. M. 17th Regt.)

73 Ghuznee, 1839, original suspender (Private Richard Cashion,

H. C. 1st European Regt.), mint state

74 Jellalabad, 1842, first issue, mural crown, unnamed, fine

75 Jellalabad, 1842 (Armr. Sgt. H. Ulyett), XIII. P. A. L. I. {engraved),

very fine

76 Kelat-i-Ghilzie, 1842 (Bugler Shaick Jungby, 43rd Regt. N. I.),

very fine

77 Cabul, 1842 (Wm. Banfield, 9th Regt.), mint state

78 Candahar, Ghuznee, Cabul, 1842 (Dank Lynch, 41st Regt.), fine

79 Candahar, Ghuznee, Cabul, 1842 (Thomas Davis, 41st. Regt.)


80 Meeanee-Hyderabad, 1843 (Corpl. Moses Spratt, 22nd Regt.), fine

81 Hyderabad, 1843 (Francis Ford, 22nd Regt.)

82 Maharajpoor Star, 1843 (Private George Stears, H. M. 39th

Regt.), very fine

83 Maharajpoor Star, 1843 (Boy Robert Burnett, H. M. 40th Regt.),

very fine

84 Maharajpoor Star, 1843 (Corpl. Jas. Wilson, H. M. 40th H&egt.), fine

85 Maharajpoor Star, 1843 (Private John Walden, H. M. 16th

Lancers), very fine

86 Punniar, 1843 (Gunner John Russell, 1st Troop, 3rd Brigade

Horse Artillery), very fine

87 Punniar, 1843, with original hook (Private Paul Kelly, 3rd Regt.),

very fine






















7 First Day

Punniar, 1843 (Private Jonah Gallick, 50th Queen’s Own Regt.), very fine

Punniar, 1843, unnamed , very fine

Punniar, 1843, with original hook (Corpl. John Wooten, H. M. 3rd Regt.), very fine

SUTLEJ, 1845-46.

Medals without clasps Moodkee (Corpl. William Quelch, 31st Regt.), very fine ; and Ferozeshuhur (Corpl. John Swift, 62nd Regt.), mint state 2

Aliwal (Matthew Pegg, 50th Regt.); and Sobraon (John Cummins, 10th Regt.), both extremely fine 2

Moodkee, and one clasp Ferozeshuhur (George Robertson, 3rd Lt. Dragoons)

Ferozeshuhur, and one clasp Aliwal (Js. Brown, 9th Regt.), engraved , very fine

Ferozeshuhur, and one clasp Sobraon (Havdr. Shaik Ragub, Ally, 41st N.I.), mint state

Aliwal, and one clasp Sobraon (Corpl. Dennis Reardon, 53rd Regt.)

Moodkee, and two clasps Ferozeshuhur, Sobraon (Serjt. -Major R. Spencer, 4th Regt. L. C.), very fine

Moodkee, and two clasps Aliwal, Sobraon (Serjt. James McMicking, 50th Regt.)

Moodkee, and three clasps Ferozeshuhur, Aliwal, Sobraon (Serjt. John Kelly, 50th Regt.), fine

PUNJAB, 1849.

Medals without clasps (Serjt. J. Collins, 53rd Foot), very fine ;

and (Sepoy Ramaisur Sing, 29th N. I.), fine 2

One clasp Mooltan (Jerh. Whelan, 10th Foot), mint state One clasp Goojerat (W. Baiss, 53rd Foot), mint state One clasp Goojerat (Patk. Byrne, 53rd Foot), fine One clasp Chilianwala (J. Roxbury, 24th Foot), mint state Two clasps Goojerat, Mooltan (Private John Leonard, 1st Eur. Regt. Fusiliers), fine

Two clasps Goojerat, Chilianwala (R. Northcote, 24th Foot), fine

S. Africa, 1853 (J. Brown, 7th Dragn. Gds.; and W. Mulrooney, 43rd Regt.), the first fine 2

Baltic, 1854-55 (C. R. Harris, Rl. Sappers and Miners), very fine

B 2

First Day


CRIMEA, 1854-6.

109 One clasp Alma (30th Kegt.), extremely fine ; one clasp

Sebastopol ( 14th Regt.); Turkish (4th K. 0. Kegt.) ; and one unnamed 4

110 Two clasps Alma, Inkermann (J. Moore, 44th Regt.); and

two clasps Alma, Balaclava (John McCrae, 79th Regt.), both mint state 2

111 Two clasps Alma, Sebastopol (Lance-Segt. 55th Regt.); and

two clasps Inkermann, Sebastopol (12th Bn. R. Arty.), both fine 2

112 Two clasps Balaclava, Inkermann (C. Young, 28th Regt.), ex.

tremely fine ; and two clasps Balaclava, Sebastopol (T. Kitson, 47th Regt.), fine 2

113 Three clasps Alma, Balaclava, Inkermann (Edwd. Dealeney,

46th Regt.), mint state

114 Three clasps Alma, Balaclava, Sebastopol (J. Fowler, 79th

Regt.), mint state

115 Three clasps Alma, Inkermann, Sebastopol (J. Casey, 88th

Regt.), mint state ; and three clasps Balaclava, Inkermann, Sebastopol (5th Dragoon Gds.), fair 2

116 Four clasps Alma, Balaclava, Inkermann, Sebastopol (Maurice

McGrath, 21st Regt.), mint state

117 Four clasps Alma, Balaclava, Inkermann, Sebastopol; and

Turkish (Trumpet Major C. Collingwood, 13th Light Dra' goons), fine and rare Light Brigade pair 2

118 Defence of Kars; and Order of the Medjidie, 5th class, both

very fine 2

119 French Yaleur et Discipline; and Sardinian Spedizione d'Oriente

(engraved Pte. P. Ceaton, 63rd Foot) 2

120 San Sebastian, 1836 ( pewter ) ; Turkish Crimea ( 1 4th Regt. and

3rd Grenadier Gds.); Danube Boat Service; and Irish Papal Brigade, 1860 5

INDIAN MUTINY, 1857-8. *

121 Without clasp (Lieut. H. D. Marsh, 82nd Regt.), extremely fine

122 One clasp Delhi (1st Eur. Bengal Fus.), extremely fine ; and

one clasp Lucknow ( 1 st/ 20th Regt.) 2

123 One clasp Relief of Lucknow (1st Bn. 23rd R. W. F.), very

fine ; and one clasp Central India (14th Lt. Dragoons), ex¬ tremely fine 2


















9 First Day

One clasp Defence of Lucknow (W. Carlisle, 32nd L. I.), mint state

Two clasps Relief of Lucknow, Delhi (Dank Norbury, 1st Bn. 8th Regt.), extremely fine

Two clasps Lucknow, Relief of Lucknow (Gunr. and Driver Hy. Petherick, 13th Bn. R. Arty.), fine Two clasps Lucknow, Relief of Lucknow (J. Wilking, 1st Bn. 23rd R. W. Fusrs.), very fine

Two clasps Lucknow, Defence of Lucknow (H. G. Luxmore, 84th Regt.), fine

Two clasps Central India, Lucknow (Syed Elans, 27th Regt. N. I.), very fine ; and two clasps Lucknow, Delhi (82nd Regt.), mint state 2

Two clasps Relief of Lucknow, Defence of Lucknow (Sepoy Dumree Ram, S’ylhet Lt. Infy. Battn.), fine Three clasps- Lucknow, Relief of Lucknow, Delhi (S. Burgin, 9th Lancers), very fine

Order of British India, 1st Class gold enamelled Badge, ex¬ tremely fine


One clasp Pegu (Lieut. S. W. Peile, 49th Regt. M. N. I.), mint state

One clasp Persia (14th King’s Light Drags.) ; one clasp North- West Frontier (98th Regt.); and one clasp Umbeyla (101st Regt.), all very fine 3

One clasp Looshai (113 H. Thompson, H.M. 55th Regt.), ex¬ tremely fine

One clasp Bhootan (80th Regt.) ; one clasp Perak ( 1 / 3rd Foot); one clasp Jowaki, 1877-8 (4th Bn. Rifle Bde.), all extremely fine 3

One clasp Naga, 1879-80 (Subadar Major Ram Sukha, Bengal Sappers and Miners), very fine

One clasp Burma, 1885-7 (2nd Bn. Bedf. Regt.); one clasp _

Hazara, 1888 (2nd R. Ir. Regt.) ; one clasp Burma, 1887-89 (4th Bn. Rif.Bcle.); one clasp Chin Lushai, 1889-90 (1st Bn. K. O. S. Borch), all mint state 4

One clasp Sikkim, 1888 (2nd Bn. Derby R.); one clasp Samana, 1891 (2nd Bn. Manchester R.), both mint state 2

One clasp— Hunza, 1891 (4199, Sepoy Mir Samed, 20th B. C Infy.), very fine

First Day


141 One clasp N. E. Frontier, 1891 (4th Bn. K. R. R. C.), and one

clasp TVaziristan, 1894-5 (1st Bn. 1st Gurkhas), both mint state 2

142 l\vo clasps Burma, 1885-7, Burma, 1887-89 (2nd Bn. R. W.

Suss. R.) ; and two clasps Samana, 1891, Hazara, 1891 (1st Bn. K. R. R. Corps), both mint state 2

143 One clasp Perak (Lieut. C. H.S. C.Ronah-Robottom,D.A.A.G.),

re-engraved , and one clasp Hazara, 1888 (unofficial clasp) 2


144 China, 1842 (Sam. Finch, Royal Marines), and Medal with three

clasps— Canton, 1857, Taku Forts, 1858, Taku Forts, 1860 (T. Trotman, 8 Co. R. M. L. I.), the first mint state , the second fine 2

145 China, 1842 (49th Regt.) ; Medal and one clasp Taku Forts,

1860 (1st of 3rd Regt.) ; and one clasp Pekin, 1860 (44th Regt .), all very fine 3

146 One clasp— Pekin, 1860 (99th Regt.); two clasps— Taku Forts,

1860, Pekin, 1860 (2nd of the 1st orRl. Regt.) ; and another of 67th Regt. 3

147 Two clasps Canton, 1857, Fatshan, 1857 (Captain C. H. S. C.

Ronah-Robottom, A.D.C.), engraved , fine

148 One clasp Pekin, 1860 (99th Regt.), engraved ; and three

clasps— Canton, 1857, Taku Forts, 1858, Pekin, 1860 (4th Rl. Arty.), fine 2


149 1860-1866, date engraved (1st Bn. 12th Regt.); and 1861-1866

(Peter Mullin, 57th Regt.), the latter mint state 2

150 1863-1865 (Sami. Lomas, 70th Regt.), mint state


151 One clasp— 1877-8-9 (2/24th Foot) ; one clasp— 1878 (Qr. Mr.

C. Newman, Riversdale Md. Bgrs.); one clasp— 1879 (2/3rd Foot), and without clasp (99th Foot), all mint state 4

152 Abyssinia (4th K. O. R. Regt.); Ashantee, 1873/4 (2/23rd R.

W. Fus.) ; and one with unofficial clasp— Coomassie (2/23rd R. W. F.), all fine o













First Day


One clasp Ali-Musjid (4th R. Bde.) ; Peiwar Kotal (2/ 8th. Regt.) ; Charasia (67th Foot); Kabul ( 2/9 th Foot); and Roberts’ Star (7 2nd Highlanders), all very fine 5

One clasp Kandahar (2/7 th Foot) ; without clasp (l/l 7 th Regt.) ; three clasps Ali-Musjid, Kabul, Kandahar, and Roberts’ Star (4th Goorkha Regt.) ; and two clasps Ali- Musjid, Kabul (2/ 9th Foot), three fine 5

Two clasps Charasia, Kabul (R. Ii. A.) ; Ahmed Khel, Kanda¬ har (2/60th Foot) ; Kabul, Kandahar, and Roberts’ Star (72nd Highrs.), the first two very fine 4

Three clasps Peiwar Kotal, Charasia, Kabul (3rd R. A.), very fine ; and three clasps Charasia, Kabul, Kandahar (72nd Flighrs.) 2

Four clasps Peiwar Kotal, Charasia, Kabul, Kandahar (2187 Pte. J. Casey, 72nd Regt.), very fine


Without clasp (l/Camn. Hrs.); one clasp Tel-el-Kebir (R.H. A.); one clasp El Teb-Tamaai (2/ R.W. Fus.); one clasp Suakin, 1885 (2/ E. Surr. R.); one clasp Gemaizah, 1888 (2/ K.O.S. Bord.), three fine 5

One clasp Tel-el-Kebir (Gun. R. M. A.) ; one clasp El Teb (D. Black, 1/ Rl. Highrs.); one clasp Tamaai, unofficial (1st Bde. R. A.), and no clasp (l / S. Staffs. R.) 4

One clasp The Nile, 1884-85 (2/ Essex R.) ; one clasp— Suakin, 1885 (N. S. W. Infy.) ; and two clasps Tel-el-Kebir, The Nile, 1884-85 (2/ D. of C. L. I.), the two first very fine 3 Medal, 1882, and two clasps Tel-el-Kebir (2/ R. Ir. R.) ; Medal, 1882, and two clasps Tel-el-Kebir, The Nile, 1884-85 (2/ 1). of C. L. I.) ; Medal, 1882, and two clasps Suakin, 1884, El Teb-Tamaai (l Gord. Highrs.) 3

Medal, 1882, and two clasps Suakin, 1884, El Teb (2601 Lce.- Sergt. J. Chapman, 3/ K. R. R. C.) ; Medal, 1882, and two clasps Suakin, 1885, Tofrek (l/ Berks. R.); and Star, 1882, fine 3

Medals, undated. Two clasps The Nile, 1884-85, Kirbekan (1/ S. Staffs. R.) ; two clasps Suakin, 1885, Tofrek (1/ Rl. Berks. R.) ; two clasps El Teb-Tamaai, The Nile, 1884-85 (l/ Gord. Highrs.), all very fine 3

First Day


164 Others. Two clasps The Nile, 1884-85, Abu Klea (5th Lancers);

two clasps— El Teb, The Nile, 1884-85 (l/ Gord. Highrs.) ; and Khedive’s Star, 1884-6, the first re-engraved 3

165 Medals, 1882, and three clasps Tel-el-Kebir, Suakin, 1885,

Tofrek (Q. 0. S. A M.); three clasps Tel-el-Kebir, The Nile, 1884-85, Abu Klea (7/ Dn. Gds.) 2

166 Others. Three clasps Tel-el-Kebir, Suakin, 1884, El Teb (21st

K. E.) ; and three clasps Tel-el-Kebir, Suakin, 1884, El Teb- Tamaai (3/ K. R. R. C.), fine 2

167 Others. Three clasps— Suakin, 1884, El Teb, The Nile, 1884-85

(l/ Gord. Highrs.) ; and three clasps Suakin, 1884, El Teb- Tamaai, The Nile, 1884-85 (1/ Rl. Suss. R.) 2

168 Others. Three clasps Tel-el-Kebir, Suakin, 1884, Tamaai (3/

K. R. Rif. Corps) ; and undated with three clasps El Teb- Tamaai, Suakin, 1885, Tofrek (l/ Rl. Irish Regt.), both very fine 2

169 Undated Medals. Three clasps El Teb-Taraaai, The Nile,

1884-85, Abu Klea (2591 Bugler J. McCullie, 3/K.R. Rif.C.); and three clasps El Teb-Tamaai, The Nile, 1884-85, Kirbe- kan (426 Pte. G. Fisher, 3/ K. R. Rif. C.) ; and Star with clasp for Tokar, 1890, all fine 3

170 Medal, 1882, and four clasps Tel-el-Kebir, Suakin, 1884, El Teb-

Tamaai, The Nile, 1884-85 (238 Pte. W. Rendell, 1/ Gord. Highrs.), fine 1

171 Medal, 1882, and four clasps Tel-el-Kebir, Suakin, 1884, El Teb,

The Nile, 1884-85 (2397 Pte. A. Russell, 1/ R. Hrs.), fine

172 Five clasps Tel-el-Kebir, Suakin, 1884, El Teb-Tamaai, The

Nile, 1884-85, Abu Klea (1846 Lce.-Corpl. H. Bridgewood, 19th Hussars), very fine \

173 Five clasps Tel-el-Kebir, Suakin, 1884, El Teb-Tamaai, The Nile,

1884-85, Kirbekan (1582 Pte. R. Bain, l/ R. Hrs.), very fine

174 One clasp Suakin, 1885, and Khedive’s Star, 1884-6 (Surgeon

A. C. J. Lundy, Med. Staff), extra fine 2

175 Canada, one clasp Fenian Raid, 1866 (l 155 Pte. C. Hyde, 2/7

R. Fus.), very fine 1

176 North-West Canada, 1885 ( name erased)-, and one with one

clasp Saskatchewan (10th Batt. R. G.), both very fine 2

177 Cape of Good Hope, one clasp Transkei (Pte. C. Michael, C. T.

Vol. Eng.), fine 1

178 Cape of Good Hope, one clasp Bechuanaland (Pte. H. J. C.

Maybury, Queenstn. R. Yols.), very fine \

179 Cape of Good Hope, one clasp Basutoland (Pte. J. Hoey,

P. A. Y. G.), mint state 1


13 First Day

Matabeleland, 1893 (2049 Pte. J. Vullmer, 2nd W. Ivid. Regt.), very fine

181 Rhodesia, 1896 (Troopr. E. I). Smith, “6” troop, B. F. F.),

mint state

182 Rhodesia, one clasp Mashonaland, 1897 (3683, Pte. A. Sait,

2/Hamps Regt.), fine


183 One clasp 1887-8 (l/W. I. R.), re-engraved ; one clasp Juba

River, 1893, unofficial (Edward Smith) ; one clasp Sierra Leone, 1898-99 (W. A. R.), all very fine 3

184 Four clasps 1892, 1893-94, 1897-98, Sierra Leone, 1898-99

(533, Pte. R. Henderson, l/W. I. Regt.), very fine

185 Hong Kong Plague, 1894 (Shrops. L. I.), very fine

186 Another (S. L. I.), very fine


INDIA, 1895, &c.


187 One clasp— Defence of Chitral, 1895 (778, Sepoy Jodh Singh, 14th Bl. Infy.), very fine

18b One clasp Belief of Chitral, 1895 (2nd Bn. 3rd Gurkhas), and the same in bronze (Comst. Transpt. Dept.) ; and two clasp Tirah, 1897-98, Punjab Frontier, bronze (C. T. Dept.), all fine 3

189 One clasp Belief of Chitral, 1895 (1st E. Lancs. Begt.) ; and

two clasps Malakand, 1897, Punjab Frontier, 1897-98 (Kurrum Militia), both very fine 2

190 Two clasps lirah, Punjab Frontier, 1897-98 (llth Hussars) ;

and three clasps Tirah, Samana, Punjab Frontier, 1897-98 (Kurrum Militia), both very fine 2

191 East and Central Africa, two clasps Lubwas, Uganda, 1897-98

(27/Bo. L. Inf.), fine

192 East and Central Africa, one clasp 1898 (27/Bom: Inf.), mint

193 Sudan, Khedive’s Medal for Dongola; Medal and two clasps

Hafir, Firket, both unnamed ; Medal and two clasps Khar¬ toum, The Atbara; and Queen’s Medal (1st Line. B.), all very fine 4

194 Queen’s Sudan, and Khedive’s with six clasps Hafir, Firket,

Khartoum, The Atbara, Abu Hamed, and Sudan, 1897, with Arabic number, very fine 2

195 General Gordon’s pewter Star for the Defence of Khartoum;

and two Letters of origin thereof 2

196 China, 1900 (B. H. A.) ; and China, with one clasp Belief of

Pekin (1st Sikh Infy.), both fine



Second Day


197 One clasp Relief of Ladysmith (R. Dub. Fus.) ; Talana (R. Dub.

Fus.); Belfast (T. Bty. R. H. A.); and two clasps Cape Colony, Orange Free State (Arg. and Suth. Highs.), all mint state I

198 Two clasps Belmont, Modder River (Cldstm. Gds.); Natal,

Belfast (1st R. Innis. Fus.) ; Orange Free State, Rhodesia (S. A. Lt. Horse), all mint state 5

199 Three clasps Defence of Kimberley, Orange Free State, Trans¬

vaal ; Mayor’s Defence Star (1st L. N. Lane. Regt.) ; and three clasps Cape Colony, Wittebergen, Belfast (1st Rl. Irish Regt.), all mint state 3

200 Three clasps Orange Free State, Defence of Mafeking, Trans¬

vaal (376, Tpr. W. Terry, Protect. Regt. F. F.) ; and two clasps Relief of Mafeking, Transvaal (913, Tpr. G. A. Calder, Imp. Lt. Horse), both mint state 2

201 Four clasps Cape Colony, Wepener, Transvaal, Wittebergen

(W. Gorse, Royal Scots) ; four clasps— Belmont, Modder River, Driefontein, Transvaal (Cldstm. Gds.) ; four clasps Tugela Heights, Relief of Ladysmith, Transvaal, Laing’s Nek (T. Dobbs, Dp r ham Lt. Infy.), all mint state 3

202 Four clasps Elangslaagte, Defence of Ladysmith, Laing’s Nek,

Belfast, two clasp King’s Medal (21st Bty. R. F. A.) ; and bronze Camp Follower’s (S. & T. Corps), all mint state 3

203 Six clasps Relief of Kimberley, Paardeberg, Driefontein,

Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast (2nd Shrops. Lt. Infy.) ; and a Mediterranean (R. W. K. Regt.), mint state 2

204 Ashanti, 1900 (Sergt. W. G. Cooper, Rl. Dublin Fus.), extremely


205 African General Service, one clasp Jubaland ( 1 6th Bombay

Infy.), mint state

206 African General Service, one clasp Somaliland, 1902-04 (Pte.

Shadulla, 107th Pioneers), mint state

207 Tibet, no clasp (2nd Q. O. Sappers and Miners) ; another, with

clasp Gyantze (40th Pathans), both very fine 2

208 H. E. I. C., For Long Service and Good Conduct, anchor pattern

(Sergeant Major Alexander Munroe, 23rd Regt. L. I.), ex¬ tremely fine

209 H. E. I. C., For Meritorious Service (unnamed), mint state

210 For Distinguished Conduct in the Field (M. Scanned, 57th

Regt.), very fine


Second Day


211 W illiam IV, For Long Service and Good Conduct ( Stephens,

Troop S. Major, 2nd Dragoon Guards, 1831), fine

212 Early Victorian, For Long Service and Good Conduct ( steel clij)),

4 /th Regt. 1843 ; and second issue, 4th Lt. Dragoons, both fine 2

A olunteer Officer’s Decoration, V. R.” in monogram, mint state 14 Colonial Volunteer Officer’s Decoration, V . r. i.” in monogram, mint state

215 A ictorian A olunteers, Long Service; Ashanti Star, 1896, and

Copy of a Adctoria Cross 3

216 A ictoria, Proclamation as Empress of India, 1877, silver , very fine


217 M. G. S., one clasp Vittoria, and AVaterloo (John Pearman,

1st Life Guards, fine 2

218 Sutlej, Moodkee, and two clasps Ferozeshuhur, Sobraon ;

Punjab, two clasps Goojerat, Chilianwala ; Mutiny, two clasps Relief of Lucknow, Lucknow ; and Long Service and Good Conduct (Charles A\ arren, 3rd Dragoons and Alilitary Train), with silver bar 4

219 For Meritorious Service; Crimea, three clasps Alma, Inker-

mann, Sebastopol ; Turkish, and Long Service and Good Conduct (Qr. Mr. Serjeant Id. Banan, 30th Foot), and silver bar 4

220 Crimea, three clasps Alma, Balaclava, Sebastopol ; Turkish,

and Mutiny, two clasps Relief of Lucknow, Lucknow (Donald Reid, 93rd Highrs.), all extremely fine 3

221 Indian Mutiny, no clasp ; and I. G. S., one clasp— North AVest

Frontier (1st Lieut. AValter Delane, H. Artillery), fine 2


222 11th Light Dragoons, silver Maltese Cross, inscribed “Charlotte

Hegarty, Reward of Merit, 11 L. D.”

223 Queen’s Royals, For 10 years’ Meritorious Service, to AVilliam

Holloway, silver Maltese Cross, very fine

224 5th Fusiliers, Merit, Vth Foot,” 1767 ; Ar Northumberland

Fusiliers,” 1767, both bronze , and one of silver of the latter type, the last two very fine 3

13th Regiment, silver Medal of Merit for 7 years’ Good Conduct, fine


to LO



















17 Second Day

13th Regiment, silver Medal of Merit for 14 years’ Good Conduct (Geo. Evans), very fine

21st N. B. Fusiliers, large silver Medal, given by Queen Victoria to Robert Dyas, “For Merit”

56tli Regiment, Total Abstinence Society, fine 88th Regiment, silver Maltese Cross, with names of twelve Peninsular Battles ; and a silver Medal for Conspicuous Bravery at the Battle of Talavera, to Patrick Burke, 1809, very fine 8

79th Regiment, For Gallant Conduct, Egypt, 1801, to J. Tough, a pyramidal silver Badge engraved with sphinx, (fee., fine and unique

95th Rifle Regiment, Battle of Vimiera, a small gold Maltese Cross, to Sergt. P. Brown, well preserved South Devon Militia, 1799, Testimony of Merit from the In¬ habitants of Waterford, very fine Royal Bristol Volunteers, 1814, Silver Badge, and a Blofield Cavalry, 1796, Badge 2

Winchester Volunteers, Best Shot Prize Medal, won by Wm.

Short, Corporal, 1805, large oval Silver Badge, very fine Large oval Silver Badge, hall-marked 1798-9, inscribed H. V.” within crowned garter, and Merit Rewarded,” very fine

Galashiels Volunteers, Reward of Merit, adjudged to John McCullum for most shots on the target at 100 yards, 1803, fine and rare

Edinburgh Volunteer Artillery, awarded to Edward McPherson, 1806, silver , fine

Soldiers’ Temperance Medals (3) ; 2nd China (unofficial clasps) ; Metropolitan Police, 1887 (2); London Rifle Bgde., 1859 (3), and Volunteer Shooting, and an Indian Star 11

Charles II, Silver Medal, with bust and royal arms, 2^ in., well preserved

George Walker, Defender of Derry, 1688, worn by the Appren¬ tice Boys, silver gilt ; Orange Medals (2), and York Club, Dublin, 1824, all fine 4

Afghan Silver Star to Shere Ali’s Troops, 1876, fine and rare George III, Indian Chief’s Medal, 1814, largest size, silver, very fine and very rare

Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service, Silver gilt Badge for Matrons, very fine and very rare, and an Ambulance Silver enamelled Red-cross Badge to E. W. Lewis, m.t.g.s., very fine and rare 2

Second Day



Single Clasps.

244 17 June, 1795 (George Clark), very fine

245 Nile (Joshua Office), very fine

246 Acre, 30 May, 1799 (Henry Hancock), very fine

247 Boat Service, 9 June, 1799 ( name of recipient erased ), very fine

248 Penelope, 30 March, 1800 (name of recipient erased), fine

249 Seine, 20 Augt., 1800 (Geo. Watcham)

250 Egypt (William Hodgson), and 12th Octr., 1798 (William

Hodgson), both very fine ( rare instance of two medals to same man) o

251 Gut of Gibraltar, 12 July, 1801 (W. T. Smith), fine

252 Boat Service, 1 July, 1801 (James Towner), very fine

253 Trafalgar (H. Churchman), engraved , and Syria (G. D. Kean,

Mate), very fine 2

254 4 Novr. 1805 (William Davis), extra fine

255 Boat Service, 10 July, 1806 (Kobt. Watson), extra fine

256 Arethusa, 25 Augt. 1806 (J. Gaze, Master), very fine

257 Nassau, 22 March, 1808 (John Shiel), fine

258 Stately, 22 March, 1808 (Wm. Cooper), very fine

259 Boat Service, 10 July, 1808 (H. Smartley, Master), very fine

*** Commanded the boats on this brilliant service (only eight issued).

260 Amethyst wh. Thetis (G. Easterbrooke, Boatswain), very fine

261 Martinique (George Bornsteacl), extra fine

262 Boat Service, 7 July, 1809 (John Harris), fine

263 Boat Service, Nov. 1809 (John Welsh), very fine

264 Boat Service, Febry. 3rd, 1810 (Geo. Riddle), very fine

265 Boat Service, 27 Sep. 1810 (John Foote), very fine

266 Lissa (Edward Blake), fine

267 Anholt, 27 March, 1811 (Michs. Walters), well preserved

268 Off Tamatave, 20 May, 1811 (John Knight), w ell preserved

*** Served on board H.M.S. Galatea.

269 Hawke, 18 Augt. 1911 (Henry Batch ....'?), name partly

erased , very fine

270 Pelagosa, 29 Novr. 1811 (Thomas Bailey), very fine

271 Victorious with Rivoli (William Robertson), very fine

272 Northumberland, 22 May, 1812 (Will iam Vetcher), fine

273 Royalist, 29 Deer. 1812 (name erased)

274 Shannon wh. Chesapeake (James Andrews, Carpenter), extra



Second Day

275 Gluckstadt, 3 Jany. 1814 (Benjn. Raybould), fine

276 Venerable, 16th Jan. 1814 (P. Smith), engraved, fine

277 Eurotas, 25th Feb. 1814 (James Peck), fine

278 Hebrus with L’Etoile (Thos. West), fine

279 Endymion wh. President (John Lee Harwood), fine

280 Gaieta, 24 July, 1815 (Thomas Cook), very fine

Two Clasps.

Amazon, 13 Jany. 1797, St. Domingo (Geo. Yeo), fine St. Vincent, Trafalgar (William Barrett), mint state Copenhagen, 1801, Guadaloupe (William Smith), extremely fine Trafalgar, Sirius, 17 April, 1806 (Edmund Sheehy), very fine Trafalgar, Shannon, Chesapeake (Robt. Sinclair)

Trafalgar, Boat Service, 14 Dec. 1814 (Abraham Page), very fine Curagoa, St. Sebastian (Thos. Hardy), extra fine Boat Service, 13 Feb. 1810, Off Tamatave, 20 May, 1811, and the same in miniature (Alexr. Henning, Mid.), officially engraved , very fine 2

Banda Neira, Java (Matw. Swaine), extra fine Navarino, Syria (Joseph Mason), extra fine

Three Clasps.

291 Camperdown, Trafalgar, Basque Roads, 1809 (Fras. Baxton),

mint state

292 Trafalgar, The Potomac, 17 Aug. 1814, Algiers (James Nichols)

Four Clasps.

293 1 June, 1794, 23rd June, 1795, St. Vincent, Basque Roads,

1809 (John Cooke), extra fine











Lot 294.

C R O U P.


Awarded to Stoker William Johnstone, 12 Aug. 1854.

Also his Baltic (1854-55) Medal ; both very fine 2

*** Accompanying the lot are a print of the V.C. deed ; a letter from recipient to his wife announcing its bestowal ; a Prize Money Certificate; a letter relating to his Baltic medal, etc.

Second Day


295 Nile, 1798, Davison’s bronze-gilt (W. Peters, Swiftsure, 74 guns);

another, in glazed frame (A. B., H.M.S. Audacious) ; and Boulton’s Trafalgar, in pewter (Robert Fuller, R. M., H.M.S. Revenge), all fine 3

296 Mutiny at the Nore, 1800, Earl St. Vincent’s Testimony of

Approbation (John Bunce), fiiie

297 Arctic Discoveries, 1818-1855, and William IV Long Service

and Good Conduct (both to Chas. Gillett, Serjeant, Woolwich Division Royal Marines, 22 years), extra fine 2

298 William IV, Long Service and Good Conduct (Richard Ball,

H.M.S. Poictiers, 24 years), very fine

299 Another (George Todd, Captain’s Coxswain H.M.S. William and

Mary, 34 years), extra fine

300 St. Jean d’Acre, 1840, Turkish Medals, in silver, bronze-gilt

(glazed frame), and bronze , very fine 3

301 China, 1842 (H.M.S. Wellesley, Blenheim, and Samarang), all

very fine 3

302 China, 1842 (H.M.S. Wellesley and Cornwallis), and Early

Long Service and Good Conduct (H.M.S. Excellent), all fine 3

303 Baltic, 1854-55 (2), and Crimea, no clasp (to Capo Cre.

Tartarini, Carlo Rl. Marineria Sarda), all fime, the last rare 3

304 Crimea, two clasps Azoff, Sebastopol ; and three clasps Inker-

mann, Sebastopol, Azoff (W. H. Wilkinson, H.M.S. Aga¬ memnon), impressed ; both very fine 2

305 Mutiny, one clasp Lucknow (Geo. Sullivan, Armr., Shannon),

mint state

306 Second China, no clasp (John J. Ellis, Assist. Surgeon R, N.,

H.M.S. Amethyst, 1856-60), very fine

307 Second China, one clasp Canton, 1857 (H.M. G. B. Kestrel) ;

two clasps Canton, 1857, Taku Forts, 1858, and two clasps Taku Forts, 1860, Pekin, 1860 (J. Lewis), the first two mint state 3

308 Second China, three clasps Canton, 1857, Taku Forts, 1860,

Pekin, 1860; and four clasps China, 1842, Fatshan, 1857, Canton, 1857, Taku Forts, 1858, both very fime 2

309 New Zealand, 1860-1861 (Sergt. Richard Gibson, R. M. A., H.M.S. Pelorus), mint state

I. G. S., one clasp Pegu (Winchester) one clasp Perak (R. M. H.M.S. Egeria) ; Ashantee, 1873-4 (H.M.S. Decoy), all very fine 3